College mein, that is.. In the post-election era, AliShiekh, a great lobby supporter of Ahuja Singh got screwed by the Billimarliya lobby. Now, satta aur kursi ki ladai mein piss (not urine) gaya AliShiekh. billimarliya is having no problems with AliShiekh, but her supporters are 'taking his case.' Till now, only he took everyone's cases. AliShiekh got back the price of his masti. Now, he is afraid and fearing...
Now, everyone hates AliShiekh who is in 'Deep-' shit with the siyyar. Politician Ahuja singh has refused to comment and aji-kuch-kiya has gone in hiding. Vegpuff knows he is praying for ass-toliya visa. Meanwhile, vegpuff is gaining popular. It is getting mix of reactions. Some like it, some find it funny, some hate it, some are 'indifferent' to it. So, vegpuff has added one 'FYI' at the botttom of the page.
Drink responsibly. Drive safely. Read lightly. Enjoy maadi!